Fachwissen für den Mittelstand

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Megatrends: When the „Wildcard“ kicks in – A personal short note from Shanghai in times of the Corona-Virus

The future of a companies’ fate is not only framed by emerging trends and megatrends, but also to a greater extent affected by surprising events, the so-called wildcards. Any unexpected changes in the environment could lead to heavy turbulences or even a collapse of a company, a business, an industry and a national economy itself. It seems, that one of these wildcards has become a reality: The new Corona-Virus (although the SARS crisis was some kind of a prolog back in 2002/03).

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Verbund beratender Unternehmer e.V.
Adenauerallee 12-14
53113 Bonn
Telefon: +49 228 966985-19
E-Mail: vorstand@vbu-berater.de

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